Crazy Rich Asians Wiki

Princess Catherine Aakara (née Young) is the second child of Shang Su Yi. She is a secondary character in the Crazy Rich Asians book series.


Catherine is the product of an affair between her mother, Shang Su Yi, and Prince Jisarit, a member of the Thai royal family. Su Yi's husband and Catherine's adoptive father, James Young, ultimately decided to forgive his wife and and raised Catherine as his own child.

Catherine is married to Prince Taksin Aakara. Like many members of the extended Thai royal family, they spend part of the year in Switzerland.

Rich People Problems[]

Catherine and family, including her husband Taksin, her youngest son, Adam and his wife, Piya, are among the first to arrive at Tyersall Park after her mother Su Yi's heart attack. They are welcomed by her nephew, Eddie Cheng.

Eddie later comes across Catherine giving her son a massage after a botched badminton match between him and Alistair Cheng.

Catherine received 12.5 percent of Tyersall Park from her mother's will, but ultimately consented to the renovation of Tyersall Park into a historic landmark and hotel.
